The Olmsted Falls Athletic Boosters are committed to providing support and advancement of the all OFCS athletic programs, including middle school, and youth programs. Along with funding our Hudl, weight room improvements, software and other big ticket items that support the entire Athletic Department, they annually provide our program with direct wish list items that are requested by our coaching staff. The items they provide programs through the 'Wish List' benefit our youth levels. We are extremely thankful for their contributions.
In support of the OFAB, this week our program will be launching an online fundraiser. This streamlined process allows players and teams to help raise money without the hassle of conventional fundraising by utilizing email, text and social media. Participants will not be required to sell any products, manage cash, or keep/distribute inventory. We are confident there are many people eager to support your child and Olmsted Falls Athletics.
We encourage participation in any of the following ways.
1. As participant:
1. Go to and create your profile & upload picture.
2. Simply add our fundraising join code: 13178921.
3. Go through invite wizard and make sure to invite both Parents via parent share text.
2. Supporting with a donation:
Any support would be much appreciated!