President - Liz Simon
Vice President - Karen Ciolek
Committee Liaison - Jessica Birch
Treasurer - David Godenswager
Recording Secretary - Jessica Connelly
Committee Chairs
Members - Wren TImura
Communications - POSITION OPEN
Programs -Jennifer Mackert
Concessions - POSITION OPEN
Sportswear - Leah Masterson
Scholarships - Jessica Connelly
Night at the Races - Jessica Connelly

What We Fund
On a routine basis, we consistently fund the following:
Athletic Scholarships
Hudl Software
Team Builder Software
Coaches WIsh List Items
SWC Championship Shirts
Sports Equipment
Senior Night Pictures
...and more!

Each year the OFAB provides scholarships for graduating OFHS seniors.
Congratulations to the following 2023 OFAB scholarship award winners!
Carley Abbott
Kathleen Clute
Claire Harries
Andrew Herzog
Addie Odon
Alexandria Palmer
Lily Schwecke
Nikolas Sigan
Colin SImon
Wyatt Simon
Colin Singleton
Kylee Urban
Kylee Zale